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FINALLY! Electricity was restored… This entry was supposedly published on the 28th but we faced off with “milenyo”

I checked my old Sonnie’s Porch, I am no longer updating the site since I moved to . To my delight, the site is still receiving regular visits mostly referred by search engines. Page ranking is 5 and it’s worth (?) is pegged at $ 16,371.66. I sometimes wonder of the value this blog adds to its readers. Furthermore, I will be meeting (did not materialize because of the storm) on Friday a visiting netrepreneur from a neighboring/ASEAN country who happened to be a reader of my blog.

This validates some of the learnings I gained from the recently concluded 1st Philippine BlogCon 2006, sponsored by Globe Innove, whose speak and surf product I availed due to my immediate need for an internet connection when we moved to a new place. By the way, signal was not interrupted for both the wireless phone and modem even after the storm (the only problem is power!) I will post another feedback next week.

Anyway, the validated learnings are as follows:

  • Content is still king by Noeimi Dado– Indeed, aside from the lay-out and design, content of the blog matters.
  • Blogging contributes to world peace by Jayvee Fernandez.– The niche of the blog attract readers of common interest, thus, expressing and sharing its views in the most democratic form possible. Blog prompts mutual learning and respect.
  • Monetizing Your Blog by Abe Olandrez–While I still have reservation on Ads (I read a positive blog review of the Phililippines but noticed an ad points to the red light district of the Phiippines, another is FHM Philippines.) because it may affect the credibility of a blog. Other earning opportunities, I believe, will present itself.

I have effected immediately the tips presented by Marc given the fact that my old site, though I don’t have much control of, was able to get good page ranking and referrer from search engines. How much more with a site that you have full control of?

Blogs, indeed, when fed with good content and perhaps nurtured with optimization, can have a full life of its own.

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