My daughter is now in college, though she’s 16, I still looked at her as my baby girl. I wish kids will stay as little cutie toddlers, but I guess that’s the way it should be, so parents will be forced to grow-up too, haha!
my lil’ girl is not little anymore
I realized that to be an effective dad to grown up kids, I have to keep the connection, be relevant and invest more time with them. Thanks to being a consultant and entrepreneur, I have the flexibility of time to be more involve in their lives. I’m happy bringing my daughter to school and to see her delightfully surprised whenever I fetch her. And I can’t do that as often as I want to if I’m beholden to a boss or employer.
I don’t know with other dad’s (and daughters), but I find mine a bit harder to please than my wife. With her, I need to exert more effort just to convince her to go out with me, lol. But seriously, with God’s grace, I pray that I’ll serve my purpose as the first man in her life- to lead guide and influence her with the hope of that she’ll not get entangled with youthful indiscretions that can drastically affect her future.
So here I am, strategizing to connect with her in a proactive way. Good thing we have a common interest in mobile photography, and so, we have a father-daughter photowalk when time permits. We also both have interest in cooking, but she is now a better cook than me. Likewise, one of her fave food is pizza, and not just an ordinary pizza, she’s specific with the brand, and it’s Greenwich.
That’s why when Greenwich throws a party for their 1st pizzeria store in the burgeoning community of BGC, I find this as a great bonding opportunity with my daughter.
Interestingly, the pizzeria store at BGC Stopover Pavilion is more hip and cool compare to their other branches. The ambiance will definitely bring a crowd that’s not only looking to satisfy their pizza cravings, but a place to have fun and socialize . Check out these cool photos:
From #UltimateBarkadaExperience. Posted by Mobile Photography on 7/24/2015 (15 items)
Generated by Facebook Photo Fetcher 2
The #UltimateBarkadaExperience in Greenwich BGC provided a timely opportunity to invite my daughter for a date. For one, she likes Greenwich pizza, and two, she has no school sked the following day. Aside from enjoying the ambiance and the food, we got to bring few boxes of Greenwich’s ultimate overload pizza to share the still hot and freshly cooked hunger buster to our condo neighbours and security personnel. We also helped spread the happiness around!
And when she woke up late this morning, she checked the fridge if there are still some slices left for her breakfast, haha.
To my fellow dad’s out there, care to share your strategy to connect with your teen age daughters?
And to the young girls, what would you want your dad do for you, to keep the flame of father-daughter relationship burning?
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