In emergency situations, what should be a leader’s priority, the task at hand or family?
Nanay and myself
When Nanay (mother) went to be with the Lord, I think I was placed is a situation to show the condition of my heart. During this period, a calamity struck our city and I was tasked to take part in a relief operations.
My Tatay (father) decided to have the wake of nanay for 6 days [in case you are not familiar with death associated custom in the Philippines, this means 6 days of almost sleepless nights for family members]
The challenge came when monsoon rains swept the city and flooded numerous areas. Thus, the need to put in place relief operations for the affected people in the community we are responsible for.
Our group was required to show up early morning to participate on the relief operations.
Though I would love to focus on the situation of my family. I did show up around 5 AM, though tired and sleepy, we went to flooded areas north of the capital to distribute relief goods.
These made me think, however, of a dilemma that leaders face when family crisis collide with call of duty.
- What will be the leader’s priority, the need of the people that s/he’s supposed to provide leadership over with, or the needs of his/her own family?
- There are three important life situations in a person’s lifetime that NO ONE should MESS with- these are 1) Wedding, 2) Birth of a child and 3) Death in a family.
In light of these, should leaders in situations discussed above be given some consideration? And why? If the team you’re part of insinuated that your priority is the task at hand, how will you respond?
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The basic unit, the foundation of society and our first responsibility is family.
A leader cannot focus on the bigger task if his/her family is at risk.
Likewise, as human beings, we should give each other the space we deserve to celebrate and to mourn.
You are correct, a family that is safe and secure, will give leaders the confidence to carry on with his responsibilities. Likewise, since leaders are also human beings, giving them time with their family is for the best interest of everyone.
A job, can come or go, but family is my first obligation