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Update:Here’s another one from him:
TU sweep in Maguindanao ‘stinks to high heavens’–GO exec

Like every patriotic citizen, am awaiting every update on the national and local canvassing of votes. Hoping this election will yield value adding results. Am interested not only of those who will barge into the magic 12, equally important is the “attitude” of the early leaders, tail enders and their supporters.

These news articles from caught my attention:

  • GO spokesman in early celebration over looming win for bets
  • GO spokesman loses cool in run-in with reporters

I listen with admiration to this guy as he debate and argue with his counterparts during the campaign trail. I would willingly vote for him if he ran for senator.

However, with these reports, I don’t know if this is reflective of the group he represents?

Is this plain arrogance, a childish reaction or the guy is just tired and has been into a lot of stress lately?

The events that will unfold in the next few days may give us the answer. What do you think?

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