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Joyfully reconnecting. This is what social web did to people 10 years ago, long before trolls and fake news thrive in the virtual world.

I was checking the way back machine with the hope of salvaging some of my “lost” old posts. I was lucky to unearth an old convo from a post about Manila circa ’70.

Commenter 1 on July 11, 2007 do you have old pictures of the BROWN DERBY restaurant which was located on Taft avenue in Manila near PGH? i was still a small boy when my dads’ family used to run the place.and i don’t have pictures to show my children that their grandfather was the owner of that place….

Reply by ASKSonnie on July 14, 2007  I’m Sorry I can’t help, though am from Manila, I can not recall that restaurant either. Best Regards
Reply by Commenter 2 on August 1, 2008 Hi ***, you must be my Tito then?  whose side of the *** clan are you from please? I’m a grand daughter of ***. 

Reply by Commenter 1 on March 4, 2009 yes my father was *** who is brother to ***,  tita ***,  tita ***, tita ***. who might be your mama? ***, *** or *** ? or are you the daughter of *** ? if ever you might see this blog again could you say hello to your cuties. Tell them that Tito *** is here in Scotland.     Thank you… to Sonnie thank you very much for your kind help. every time i visit this page it reminds me of my childhood seeing all those old pictures makes me teary eyed.

After I received the last comment, I emailed them both so they can touch base directly. And the last communication I received from them (2009), the two families are now in touch, catching up and joyfully reconnecting.
This is the 2nd instance where this blog became an instrument in joyfully reconnecting families, the first one though is too private as it involves a father and a son out of wedlock. The father is not aware he has a son from an old sweetheart. The son left  a private message after reading a post from this blog and asked if I  know his dad. He also requested to pass his contact details, just in case . I do not know the father neither the son. It just happened that his dad is an employee of my former company. I checked with a colleague if such an employee exist and it turned out to be positive, we passed the message and let the dad met with his son.

Blogs and social media is a neutral but powerful tool. In the midst of negativity, spun stories, fake news and trolls, let’s go back to the early beginnings of blogging and social media and remember the pure joy and happiness it brought to our lives.



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