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The Philippines is 1st in ASEAN region with the highest web threats detected from January to December 2019. Also 4th in the world

Data from the Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) for the past year monitored and prevented nearly 28 million internet-borne attacks in the Philippines.
This accounts for where 26.62% were individual users and 7.58% were business users. The Philippines trailed behind the top three countries namely, Nepal, Algeria and Albania.

Place Country Percent of users attacked by web-borne threats
1 Nepal 51.4%
2 Algeria 51.0%
3 Albania 46.1%
4 Philippines 44.4%
5 Djibouti 43.3%
6 Mongolia 43.0%
7 Belarus 42.9%
8 Tunisia 42.7%
9 Bangladesh 42.5%
10 Azerbaijan 42.0%

In ASEAN, the Philippines led the top three countries with the highest number of detections followed by Malaysia and Vietnam.

Place Country Percent of users attacked by web-borne threats
4th Philippines 44.40%
13th Malaysia 41.50%
17th Vietnam 40.00%
39th Indonesia 36.10%
92nd Thailand 29.10%
156th Singapore 14.20%

Common attacks via drive-by downloads and social engineering tactics 
Kasperskyy said a browser attack is still the top method for infecting web surfers. Users in the Philippines continue to be attempted to be attacked by cybercriminals through popular attack techniques such as drive-by download and social engineering.
Drive-by download happens when an Internet user visits a website that he/she didn’t know is infected and installs malware directly onto the user’s computer. Vulnerable computers are those with operating systems, applications, or web browsers that are not updated which means these contain security flaws.
Attempts to infect computers in the Philippines is done through social engineering where a cybercriminal exploits a user’s lack of knowledge. Disguising as friends, families or even as IT support personnel, cybercriminals convince a clueless user to disclose his/her confidential data. With the information, a cybercrook will gain access to multiple networks, infect the user’s computers with malware or prompt the user to open links to infected websites.
Top 5 attack vectors
Ways used by cybercriminals in the ASEAN region to install malware into a user’s computer include the following:

  1. Visiting an infected website or when an online advertisement performs unfair action, such as adware which collects information without the owner’s consent
  2. Unintentional downloads of certain programs or files from the Internet
  3. Downloading malicious attachments via email
  4. Browser extensions activity. Browser extensions are like plugins which add certain features and functions. Examples of extensions are used to block ads on web pages, translate text from one language to another, or add pages to a third-party bookmark services such as Evernote or Pocket.
  5. Downloading malicious components or communications with control & command (C&C), a server that helps an online fraudster control a botnet and sends malicious commands that eventually would install malware onto a user’s computer. Botnet, short for robot network, is a collection of compromised (hacked) computers running malicious programs that are remotely controlled by cybercriminals.

Below are the most widespread web threats in ASEAN

Most widespread web-threats in Southeast Asia
Blocked urls Generic detection of blocked malicious URLs of any nature
Trojan.Script.Generic Generic detection, as well, for malicious scripts
Trojan.Script.Miner.gen Web-miners
Trojan.Script.Iframer Hidden iframes, mostly used in muddy online-advertisements
Trojan-PSW.Script.Generic In most cases, online-skimmers or sniffers

Local threats, malicious hosts down in PH
In the same report, Kaspersky products detected and blocked more than 47 million local incidents on computers of its users in the country. This has pushed the Philippines to slide down to 61st place in 2019 from its 65th place in 2018 in Kaspersky’s worldwide ranking among countries with the highest local infections.
Local infections or threats results from malware spread through removable media such as USBs, CDs, DVDs, and other “offline” methods.
Kaspersky said worms and file viruses, which are usually self-replicating, generally account for such incidents. Attempts of attacks were monitored and prevented against 52.73% of individual Internet users and 20.99% of business users in the Philippines.
Meanwhile, there were only 1.5 million malicious hosting incidents monitored and blocked in Philippine-based servers in 2019 compared to two million in 2018 pulling the country’s global ranking from 35th to 37th.
“As far as web threats are concerned, among the noticeable changes we’ve seen in the region reflect the same scenario worldwide —strong activity of web-miners in the beginning of the year followed by a dropdown. There was also a growth of online skimmers that we’ve recorded. In the case of local threats, the overall situation in SEA is the same — there’s a drop in the number of cryptocurrency miners and a slight decrease in crypto ransomware,” said Yeo Siang Tiong, general manager for Kaspersky Southeast Asia.
“In the Philippines, we believe the stern warnings against the use of cryptocurrencies and the newly enacted law which imposes harsh penalties against bank account fraudsters and credit card skimmers, are among the possible reasons for the changes in numbers. Despite these though, we can’t drop our guards and be complacent. The overall increase in awareness and level of security among individual Internet users and businesses only mean that typical attacks will be more difficult to carry out. And we see that cybercriminals will intensify their efforts towards social engineering tactics more and will veer away from PCs to focus on attacking mobile devices and other internet-connected hardware,” he adds.
In order to be secured against the evolving threats online and offline, Kaspersky security experts advise the following basic but important steps:


For businesses:

  • Secure internet access for your employees. Deploy solutions which can help provide multi-layered gateway level protection against the latest web-based threats and blocks them before they reach your end points.
  • Raise your employees’ awareness of cybersecurity by educating them on good cyber hygiene. Awareness training can help develop cybersafe behavior by building your employee’s understanding of potential threats.
  • Configure your OS to avoid running anything from USBs.


For consumers:

  • Use USBs, CDs and DVDs from trusted sources.
  • Carefully check the link before visiting a site, especially for misspelling or other irregularities, even if you think it’s a site you’ve visited regularly before.
  • Enter your username and password only over a secure connection. Avoid logging in to online banks and similar services via public Wi-Fi networks.
  • Be aware that URLs that begin with the “https” may not always be secure.
  • Don’t trust emails from unknown senders until you can verify the authenticity of their origins.
  • Always run a system with a quality, up-to-date anti-malware program


This article is from the news desk of Kaspersky, a global cybersecurity company whose deep threat intelligence and security expertise helps protect critical infrastructure and consumers around the globe.


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