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After observing incidents of Cyber Lynching locally, I have taken note of interesting patterns to give us idea of the local norms.



What is Cyber Lynching

A group of people taking on an individual, group or institution, using social web as platform.

Purpose of A Cyber Lynch

Cyber Lynch is formed, when people thought grave abuse or injustice is committed, and a collective voice is made to seek justice.

Is Cyber Lynching same as Cyberbullying or Cyber Harassment?

In the absence of local law, let me apply the framework being used in a democracy.

Making our voice heard or expressing our thoughts known on certain issues is a guaranteed right in a democracy. On the other hand cyber lynching happens when

  • a person, used social media to incite hate speech and violence against a person, group or institution.
  • when this led to the disruption of the normal routine of the subject because of fear.
  • and when due process is deprived (both in the courts of public opinion and the institutions tasked to administer it).

Local Norms

Let me use the four incidents that became subjects of cyber lynch, instead of using their names, allow me to use the terms that  brought them to national consciousness.

  1. I was not informed
  2. The Master Slapper
  3. Amalayer
  4. Abusadong Professor

In all four incidents, the netizen reacted because of what they believed as “abusive” behaviour

  1. “I was not  informed” blamed everyone for not giving him a warning against the flooded area.
  2. “The master slapper” hit an MMDA for doing his job
  3. “Amalayer” was caught on amateur video  berating a lady guard
  4. Abusadong Professor” caught on amateur video hitting a student and  berating others.

In all four incidents, both traditional and new media triggered cyber lynching

  1. I was not informed and The master slapper  videos was an exclusive of  two different networks
  2. On the other hand, Amalayer and Abusadong Professor videos was captured and shared by ordinary citizens that became viral.

Of the four incidents, two subjects physically hurt another person, while “I was not informed” was under pressure to get to her daughter still in school amid heavy moon soon rains and  “Amalayer” was reacting to an alleged rude behaviour of a lady guard.

Of the four incidents, the netizen reacted and made their conclusion based on the video clips presented, regardless of the context.

Of the four incidents, two likely violated a law when they physically hurt or attacked another person. While the other two appeared to be having a bad day, unfortunately, amidst their frustration and anger, they were caught on cam.

About a month ago when I am on a guesting stint, I discussed with a lawyer about the right to privacy of private citizens. I asked if it is ok to take a video of an incident and share it to the world?

Some legal luminaries believed unless a private citizen committed or is committing a crime, privacy should be respected. Public figures and commission of crimes are news items and of public interest, thus, privacy is waived.

Of the four subjects of cyber mob, “I was not informed” has moved on, he appeared in one endorsement for an insurance company and he already passed the bar examination. “Amalayer” appears to be on her way to recovery. She appeared in a video produced by Mikey Bustos entitled OpoPinoyStyle.

The other, as of this writing, is not off the hook yet. Based on news report, “The master slapper” is facing raps in court and “Abusadong Professor” was dismissed by the college where he used to be employed.


  1. Netizens react based on what is fed on them.
  2. Traditional and New media play a role, directly or indirectly, on the formation of a cyber lynch.
  3. Netizens react when a weaker party is aggrieved, i.e. an HR person vs. a traffic enforcer, Professor vs. Students, Pa sosyal na may pinagaralan vs. a lady guard.
  4. Our democratic culture plus the traits of a millennial  generation enhanced the formation of public opinion for or against a person, group or institution.
  5. When cyber lynch is formed, nasty and unnecessary things  come out.
  6. Institutions react in response to cyber mob. 
  7. Cyber lynch subjects that likely violated a law faced the consequence of their actions
  8. Cyber lynch subjects who were caught on their bad day suffered bad publicity but the national consciousness that goes with it  can be used to bounce back for value adding purposes.

I have more observations to share but I will reserve it in another post, meantime, here’s some photos of our seminars for kids, young people, parents, teaching and non-teaching academic personnel.

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