Hate and Bullying are Best Buddies
A person will not make a ‘sustained effort’ to shame, spread lies, or instigate a mob against another human unless s/he hates that person.
A person will not make a ‘sustained effort’ to shame, spread lies, or instigate a mob against another human unless s/he hates that person.
The most recent report established a link between stalkerware and digital abuse. What you can do is as follows.
Workplace harassment or office bullying and violence will come to an end when countries around the globe ratify ILOs C190. Wishful thinking?
Depending on your personal bias, (online) libel can be viewed as either curtailing your right to free speech and expression; or protecting you from abusive expression or speech by others
Workplace harassment has many forms. While the ILO C190 treaty is yet to be ratified. There are existing laws that we can use to deal with discrimination and bullying.