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“Social good”, in a traditional framework is defined as a good or service that benefits the largest number of people on the largest possible way- investopedia. It has since taken a new framework, thanks to Mashable for the “social good summit” they started 5 years. It has now become an annual meet-up in  120 countries.

Furthermore, the social good summit gave birth to PH +socialgood, a movement to unite a global community of innovators around a shared vision: Leveraging the power of technology and new media to make the world a better place.

I attended the PH +SocialGood Summit earlier  held at the Asian Institute of Management, organized by Rappler. This year, the organizer believed the theme should be to “take action” since last year’s edition is about “inspiration”


PH +SocialGood Summit


Though the  term “social good” has not caught media attention then, we are doing our part by advocating social computing for social good . We reached-out to parents first and taught them how to  keep kids safe online. It has since evolved to include responsible social computing, data privacy and bullying/cyber bullying prevention.


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