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The NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE MEETING is a document in order to have a formal meeting to know more about the incident or case. Not all incidents or cases have to be brought to the level of an administrative meeting. Some of those which may need one are incidents or cases involving:

  1. Loss of or damage to property (regardless whether that of the company, another employee/s or third party like customer, visitor, etc.). Attempts, intentional or otherwise like accidents are also included.
  2. Injury or even loss of life, again regardless who as long as it is within company premises or time or involves employees.Attempts, intentional or otherwise like accidents are also included.
  3. Verbal or physical abuse, fighting, harassment (sexual or otherwise), acts of lasciviousness.
  4. Money, usually of significant value. This also includes issues of propriety, ethics, etc. such as gifts provided by suppliers, conflict of interest, lack of trust and confidence, illegal dealing with competitor, etc.
  5. Dismissal

The notice of administrative investigation is issued to the person/s who wrote the incident report/s, the witnesses, the committee tasked in conduct the administrative investigation other employees needed to be present during the course of the investigation. Other employees who need to be informed, usually as “CC” (Literally Carbon Copy but means copy furnished). In very sensitive cases, the Legal Counsel is also informed (thus CC too).


Read: How to write a notice to explain memo


Below is a recommended template for the notice of administrative meeting. Issue copies to all recipients and make sure they sign and the date signed.

TO : write the names of the employees under administrative investigation 

THRU : write the name and position of the superior of the employee being investigated.

CC: write the names and positions of all who need to be present during the investigation. These are :

  1. Complainant(s)
  2. Person/s who made the Incident Report/s (i.e. security)
  3. Witnesses
  • Depending on company practice, these people can also be present
  1. A colleague (if employee is supervisor, another supervisor)
  2. Committee assigned (which should include a colleague, meaning same rank)
  3. In case of Sexual Harassment or Acts of Lasciviousness against a female employee, a representative from the female employees.
  4. In case the employee investigated is a Union employee, a Union Officer or Representative.

DATE : write the date you made the notice.

FROM : write your name and position title


Please be advised that there will be an Administrative Investigation on (write the date, day, time and place).


This is regarding the alleged incident on (date and time of incident) at (place of incident) involving (name of employee/s being investigated). It is alleged that (describe briefly the alleged incident). This is a violation of (write the rule or regulation violated).

Your presence during the investigation is necessary, and you may bring a representative of your choice.

Please be guided accordingly.

Your signature

Your name

Your position title

Noted by (Your superior’s name and position title).

CC : 201 File (If there is a Union and the employee is a Union Member, add the “Union” to the CC).

If employee failed to submit their written explanation, please include on this letter the following:

Since you failed to submit your written explanation as indicated in the notice to explain we issued you on ______ . We are still providing you this opportunity to explain yourself. Failure to do so may be construed to as waiver of your right, and we may proceed to the resolution of the case.

Please note also, that in termination cases, if employee failed to attend the sked meeting, HR may opt to sked another meeting just to showcase that efforts were exerted to observe due process.

Likewise, in case employee went on AWOL, send the notice of admin meeting via registered mail to to employees last known address (on top of the usual AWOL letter we may send depending on the period).



About the author:

BONG is a Freelance consultant in Human Resource Management as well as other Management disciplines such as Operations, Finance, Marketing.

He is a former Member of the Philippine Society for Training and Development. Former Vice-President of People Management Association of the Philippines (PMAP) Calabarzon Chapter. Former Auditor of the Association of Human Resource Managers (AHRM) in the Hotel and Restaurant industry.


Disclaimer: The articles found on this blog do not constitute legal advise, and engagement/discussion does not signify professional client relationship. Likewise, subsequent court and administrative rulings, or changes to, or repeal of, laws, rules and regulations may have rendered the whole or part of this article inaccurate or obsolete.



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