A Face-to-Face Encounter with Forces of Darkness
While I wouldn’t describe myself as overly religious or superstitious, I believe in the spiritual realm. Theologically, I understand the concept of demonic possession – the idea that a spirit being could inhabit a human body. However, I often attributed alleged cases to mental health issues. That is, until I had a personal encounter that challenged my skepticism.
20-year-old me
The Call for Help
Over two decades ago, during my internship with the youth group at the Cathedral of Praise, I had an experience that profoundly impacted my understanding of the spiritual realm. After a long day of campus visits, a youth leader and I were finalizing our reports at the office late one evening when the church phone rang. It was a frantic man pleading for help, claiming his sister was demon possessed.
A Chilling Encounter
Upon arrival, we were greeted by the terrified man who led us to the living room where a woman was bound to a chair, her appearance unsettlingly reminiscent of a horror film. He asked if we could untie her so we could speak with her. Before I could respond, the woman’s eyes rolled back, and in a deep, masculine voice, she commanded us to stay away, spitting at me as she spoke. I’ll admit, my first instinct was to flee.
The youth leader with me, though visibly shaken, seemed to have more faith in my abilities than I did at that moment. The family, hoped that my initial suggestion of mental wellness issues was right. Feeling a mix of fear and responsibility, I silently prayed for God to help me.
The Struggle for Release
The woman briefly lost consciousness, then pleaded to be freed. Her relatives looked to me for direction, but I hesitated. Suddenly, her demeanor changed again. With a guttural scream, she strained against the ropes, shattering the chair. Panic ensued, but some of the family members managed to restrain her.
These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: They will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak in new languages Mark 16:17 (NLT)
Remembering Jesus’ encounters with demonic possession, I commanded the entity to leave in His name. To my surprise, the demon retorted, claiming it had been invited by the woman. Unsure of how to proceed, I prayed again and asked the others to pray and worship in tongues. This seemed to cause the demon immense distress; the demon caused the woman writhed, screamed, spat, and even tried to bite us. Then, the demon caused the woman to lose consciousness once more.
A Moment of Hope
When she regained consciousness, her eyes were filled with tears, and her voice was now her own. She begged for help, expressing her torment. Knowing that true deliverance could only come from Jesus, I led her in a simple prayer of salvation.
if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9 (ESV)
She struggled to utter the name “Jesus,” as if an unseen force was choking her, leaving visible marks on her neck. With great effort, she completed the prayer and fainted.
The Aftermath and Lesson:Misplaced Grief Invites Demonic Attack
For a moment, I feared she had died. But she revived shortly after and asked for water. I instructed her family to untie her, and it was as if a tremendous weight had been lifted. Her entire countenance had changed.
Curious about the demon’s claim of permission, I inquired about the family’s recent activities. They revealed that since her husband’s death, the woman had created a shrine in his memory, regularly communicating with his photograph, offering it food and gifts, and even pleading with his image to return to her.
Having recently completed a theology course on angels and demons, I explained the concept of familiar spirits – entities that mimic deceased loved ones to deceive the grieving. These spirits exploit vulnerability and attachment, leading people astray.
The family is thankful for my actions, unaware of the fear and uncertainty I had experienced, especially when the demon refused to leave.
I want to be clear – it wasn’t about me that brought about the deliverance, but the power and authority of Jesus Christ.
I share this story not to boast, but because it highlights the reality of the spiritual world, especially during a time when Halloween and supernatural themes are prevalent.
Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them. Ephesians5:11 (NLT)
Acknowledging the existence of spiritual forces and principles can guide us in making wiser choices in all aspects of our lives. This isn’t about spooky tales; it’s about practical wisdom and the lordship and authority of Jesus Christ, our God and Saviour.
As a Christian, I believe in the teachings of Jesus, but that doesn’t mean I reject science and logic. Faith and reason can coexist.
If you have not accepted Jesus yet as your personal Lord and Saviour, today is the time. He is bigger than your problem and His love will carry you through regardless of what you’re going thru
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Wow! I couldn’t even muster the courage to watch those kinds of movies what more witnessing in real life! I tend to be very graphic even at nighttime and it prevents me in sleeping well. Lol.
This verse helps me alot.
“But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.”
1 John 4:4 NLT
PS: Shookt ako sa thrownback photo mo sir. Hahaha!
This is a scary story, and you’re so brave. It’s good to know about the guardian angels you’ve mentioned above. At the end, God Almighty has all the power above all the spirits.
Indeed, Jesus has power and authority over angels and demons