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PUP emerged as the top school of choice among local employers, says Jobstreet PH.


PUP graduates are again the top choice of employers , says the 2018 Fresh Graduate report of Jobstreet Philippines.

On 2016, PUP graduates also topped other universities, which include University of the Philippines, Ateneo de Manila University, University of Santo Tomas, and Dela Salle University.

2018 Report


According to the Inquirer, the Jobstreet 2018 report said the employers are highly considering the qualities of the fresh graduates, particularly their willingness to learn, personal grooming, and ability to work with others.

2018 JobStreet Fresh Graduates Report
While both reports highlight the attitude they liked from the graduates, the significant difference of the 2018 from the 2016 report, is personal grooming.
PUP (Polytechnic University of the Philippines)


I remember during the 90s, graduates of PUP or Polytechnic University of the Philippines, were discreetly being avoided. This, because, the school was perceived to be supporter of Communist Party of the Philippines courtesy of a left leaning university President. Those days were gone.

2016 Report


According to the findings, PUP graduates possess the most traits many companies look for in applicants. Respondent-companies state that PUP graduates, in general, are very hard-working, often going the extra mile in their job.


Respondent-employers have also found that PUP graduates do not tend to complain about tasks and do not give up on assignments given to them. Companies also liked the school’s graduates’ genuine eagerness to learn and drive in uplifting their life, which in turn drives them to work harder.


Source: Manila Bulletin


“Why have employers warmed up to PUP graduates? They have the drive to succeed and are very hardworking. They have reasonable demands and they don’t usually display an attitude of self-entitlement. They also tend to stay longer in a company and they don’t leave at the slightest difficulty,” Gioca said in a press briefing on Tuesday.



Source: Philippine Daily Inquirer


Based on the survey results, PUP graduates seems to exude a different attitude than most millennials, who are said to be accustomed to instant gratification and self entitlement.

I have observed a similar behaviour from students of other city and state universities. Not too long ago, I was invited by wifey to grace several student activities. She’s a College Dean in one of the city universities in MM, and used to be a part time professor in one of the elite and top tier universities of the country. In said activities, I observed the glaring contrast of student attitude –

  • The one from public school are respectful, eager to learn, hard working and innovative since they have to make do of the scarce resources that they have. But this one thing surprises me, despite the meager resources, they even managed to be generous to the resource persons they have invited. According to wifey, some students who graduated and gained a level of success, occasionally visits the school to appreciate what teachers did for them, and give donations to their college. Those who were successful abroad even send gifts to say thank you to the faculty members.
  • On the other hand, the students from an elite university felt more privilege and their attitude towards the faculty are kinda indifferent. “Kulang na lang sabihin, kung di dahil samin, wala sila trabaho”. I was also invited to give a talk or do something for them (students). What surprises me, is after you agreed to help, they will give you set of demands and restrictions, as if they are giving you a favor for being invited, when the nature of the services you are giving them is pro bono.

I’m not generalising, so don’t get me wrong. I met people, and I have friends from well-off families or graduates of elite universities who don’t have an asshole attitude. Likewise, I also encountered graduates of public school who thinks and acts like a king. I’m just stating an experience to provide some context to the findings of the survey.

Going back to PUP,  I have given talks for students of Engineering, Marketing, HR and Masters in Psychology. And I can attest the experiences with them is similarly pleasant. And one thing in common is their attitude towards learning. On my 2016 engagement, because I will leave for another engagement, I left my Mac adopter. For days, the students tried until they found the pricey connector. And one of them even went to Manila (from Fairview) just to hand this over (though I have bought a new one already).

Read: The Value of Being Rich or Poor in Job Opportunities


Here’s the top 10 schools from survey that employers prefer:

  1. Polytechnic University of the Philippines (45%)
  2. University of Santo Tomas (31%)
  3. University of the Philippines and Ateneo de Manila University (29%)
  4. Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila (27%)
  5. Far Eastern University (26%)
  6. De La Salle University (25%)
  7. Technological Institute of the Philippines (24%)
  8. Mapua Institute of Technology (22%)
  9. University of the East (20%)
  10. Adamson University (17%)

The result of the survey should serve as guide for job hunters, fresh graduates or not, of the traits employers are looking for.

Furthermore, keeping in mind these traits being associated to millennial, will help job seekers prepare.

Another lesson to keep in mind is while instant successes of some millenials that social media glorifies may be factual, they are more of an exception than a rule. The template for success has not changed– a proactive attitude, and work hard and smart. There is no short cut to success.
Congrats again PUP!

Here’s some of the photos of **my last engagement 2016 engagement with PUP HR students from Q.C.

**  was invited again on 2017 and 2018


Congratulations PUP for a job well done in producing graduates preferred by employers!

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