Is the prosperity gospel biblical? See how a prosperous church serves its community and expands God’s Kingdom.
I’ve seen some conversations lately questioning the doctrine of giving and prosperity or seedtime and harvest.
While it’s important to be wise stewards and guard against any form of exploitation, let’s not question God’s promise of prosperity.
Consider how God’s abundant provision enables these ministries:
- A “transformer” truck that converts into a fully equipped stage for outreach events that can spur church planting or church growth
- Funds to rent strategic locations for evangelism
- A team of talented and dedicated workers deployed to the harvest field
- A “daily” feeding program to combat malnutrition in impoverished communities
These ministries became a reality because this local church embraced the truth that God is a blesser. They taught the people to be faithful in tithing, to work smart and hard, to live generously, and that God is the rewarder of those who seek Him.
As God prospers His people, the local church also prospers. And a prosperous church can accomplish more for the Kingdom.
- Members need not pay the church or the minister for basic services such as visitation, funeral, dedication and wedding.
- Can invite Christian artists for evangelism without charging concert fee
- Can invite international speakers and hold conferences and learning evenrs free of charge to participants.
- Can support other Pastors and churches
- Can plant more churches
- Save money on rentals by owning real estate and build church building on it.
Remaining poor is not fun, and it is not the will of God.
As 2 Corinthians 9:8 (NLT) says:
“And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need, and plenty left over to share with others.”
Money is not the issue, but the love of money.
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