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Update 3/5/16 : What is the growth path of bloggers?


Today is the 20th anniversary of the internet in the Philippines #PHNet20 #20PHNet.

Though we still have some catching up to do as a country, the internet in general, blogging and social media in particular, already made significant changes to our culture – we are now known in the world as the selfie and social media capital, add to that the impact of social media in our democratic processes and activism, politics, business, academe and strategic communication.


Sonnie Santos


I am thankful for the internet- blogging and social media in particular,  because it’s one of the reasons why I became an Asst. Vice President for Human Resources in 2008.  It’s also the anchor of my strategy, and my major-work horse when I ventured to social entrepreneurship and advocacy in 2010.

On April 5 (2014), I will share how the internet, blogging in particular, helped my business at the annual blogging summit, popularly know as iBlog. My last engagement was on 2011, or #iBlog7 , where I discussed about blogging and advocacy.


Related read:  Is it ethical to earn from blogging advocacy?

Photo credit to Mel Co

Sonnie speaking at iBlog7: Photo from Mel Co


Since iBlog7 (2011), a lot had happened! More social media platforms have been introduced, and mobile apps are steadily growing. Likewise, I also noticed that some of the original Filipino and award winning bloggers are not into blogging anymore. Friends are also wondering why I’m still blogging when social networking sites are more popular and can equally do the job. So to answer that, and also to serve as intro to my upcoming talk on #iblog10, I will give seven eight reasons why I’m still blogging.

  1. Social Media platforms, come and go.

    If and when a popular social networking platform fold-up, it’s likely bye-bye to your older contents.


  2. Your digital presence need a permanent home

    While others have a different take on this, I prefer to have my own domain and maintain a self hosted blog.  This is also in response to the reality of item #1


  3. Blogs are tool for content marketing

    Blogs and Search Engines are perfect couple. They deliver your content to those who are looking for it.


  4. Blogs are value adding to brands.

    An “exceptional” experience deserves a blog post. This will serve as “+1” (in some cases “-1”) to a brand. And if  being done on  right circumstances, it builds the reputation of the blogger too.


  5. Blogs serve as “main voice” for an advocacy

    We all use various channels to push our message, but in my case, all my social media channels point to my blog for the content.


  6. Blogging is one of the  tools for personal development

    Is there another fun way to develop your researching, story telling and writing skills than blogging?


  7. Blogs and social media presence provides career and biz opportunities

    This blog and social media is one of the reasons why I became an Asst. Vice President for HR on 2008, and one of the main sources of opportunities for my biz and advocacy.


  8. Blogging is not only fulfilling, but rewarding

    When readers of your blog thanked you, the time you spend on research, composition and writing is worth it. The award I received as one of the best blogs and the different opportunities it gave is only an icing on the cake.


If you are still blogging, I would love to know what motivates you to continue on this habit, speak up and inspire us!


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