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With choosy job seekers, recruiters should exert more effort on HR Marketing.

We laughed whenever we (HR friends) get together and share our difficulty in getting qualified candidates. Our efforts on HR Marketing seems lacking because whenever we bumped into rarely qualified applicants,  they are not interested– some turned down the job offer, others resort to ghosting. Almost always, we have to settle with the 2nd choice.
Because I’m into Brand Management, I can see the effect of the employer brand or company image to talent acquisition and management. And with the recent findings by NSCB of choosy job seekers, HR should give serious thoughts about HR Marketing.
I delivered a lecture on this topic during the 11th HR Learning EB, I also made a slidecast so I can share the same to a larger audience. Please watch below

As presented in the video, a HR Brand is determined  by the 6 “point of service” areas. These are:

  • Employee Experience
  • Vendor Experience
  • Community Experience
  • Applicant Experience
  • Organisation Culture
  • Online Presence

Employee Experience
The image of HR internally can be adversely affected by these three deliverables, (1) Timely and accurate payment of wages and benefits. (2) Documentation, specially the release of papers for regularisation, promotion and salary adjustment. And (3) The ability of HR to conclude an administrative case in a timely manner
Vendor Experience
This is whether we can comply with the deadlines and pay the service provider as scheduled.
Community Experience
IMO, HR should participate, but much better if it can spearhead activities that are value adding to the community where the biz is located

Applicant Experience
One of the reasons, IMO, why a company finds it hard to get qualified employees is because of the treatment the applicants received from the organization.

Organisation Culture
HR, IMO, should initiate timely intervention to align company practice to the written policies consistent with Management expectations and values

Online Presence
Some HR don’t have an online presence. But worse is to have a recruitment site or Facebook page that is rarely updated and only exists to serve as bulletin board. Online presence is meant to engage.
Let me add two three more bad practices. The first one is the use of @yahoo or @gmail email address for official purposes. It appears that the company is too broke to have its own and decent domain. Secondly, because the company doesn’t have social media guidelines for HR marketing, the staffs online behavior can potentially harm the company.
update: Thirdly, companies don’t have clear online philosophy, therefore, missing great opportunities to create value and contribute to social good.

Given the rapid changes of the business landscape and job market expectations, have you finalized your company’s value proposition for HR marketing?


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