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Code red sublevel 1 was declared after a local transmission of COVID-19 has been confirmed.


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To date, the confirmed cases of COVID-19 in PH stands at 33 52 64 120 380. The declaration of code red sublevel 1, according to DOH Secretary Duque is a “preemptive call to ensure national and local government and public and private healthcare providers can prepare for possible increase in suspected and confirmed cases.  It is meant to make available all human and material resources for duty and deployment.”
On the preventive side, the task force headed by Department of Health released Resolution #10, recommending steps to enforce social distancing and prevent further spread of the virus. Social distancing is believed to be the strongest way to prevent the spread of covid-19 and avert scaling up PH alert level from code red sublevel 1 to 2.

The task force recommendations are:
1. Class suspensions
2. Temporary prohibition of mass gatherings (more than 50 pax)
3. Alternative work arrangements, like telecommuting or flexi work arrangements
Class suspensions has been announced, it will be up to the parents, LGUs and the cooperation of malls and leisure centers, however,  to ensure students stayed at home. Likewise, Dep Ed released a memorandum to further operationalize above recommendation of the task force. They cancelled all school mass gatherings so far.
DOLE on the other hand, have released Advisory 09 to guide employers on setting up alternative work arrangements. This, to minimize social contacts.

No clear guidelines yet coming from DOLE, DOT and LGUs on the temporary suspension of mass gatherings. A mass gathering is defined as 50 pax and more, according to an ASec I spoke with.

Social Distancing

A suspension of mass gatherings will greatly alter the normalcy of life, and violates both our constitutional and basic rights. Suspending church services and prayer violate both our right to assembly and religion. Suspending conferences and social events, on the other hand, will  affect the livelihood of individuals connected to tourism, hotel and events management. Add to this is the fear this virus has caused individuals to shy away from activities and places that are good for economy.

Since we are on state of emergency, regulating some of the basic human rights is a bitter pill that is necessary in winning against COVID-19.

Here are additional materials from DOH, relative to the Code Red Sublevel 1 declaration


Guidelines for Management and Referrals of Suspected and Confirmed COVID-19 Cases Under Code Red Sublevel 1



Decision Tool for Suspected COVID-19 Patients but without Symptoms



Decision Tool for Suspected COVID-19 Patients and with Symptoms



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