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To retain employees, companies need to address its industry specific challenges. The one size fits all approach will not work.

Different industries attract different people. A study revealed that candidates from different industries are driven by different goals and motivations.
jobstreet launch of laws of attraction
This post is the continuation of my 3 part blog series about Jobstreet commissioned study on the Philippine NCR Job Market. Part 1 is about the top 3 gripes of Filipino employees, towards their employers.
On this blog, part 2, we’ll discuss about (1) the commissioned research, (2) the diverse needs of the job market per industry, and (3) about the  ‘laws of attraction‘ tool for head hunters.

About the research


This data, according to Jobstreet,  is not ‘nationally representative’ of the total population. It focuses only on those who are ‘in the market for a new job. The sample is targeted to those who are actively seeking a job, or monitoring the job market and looking to change jobs within the next 2 years. The biggest impact, as to be expected, to this study is a greater proportion of 25-34 year olds (61% vs. 28% nat rep) and a smaller proportion of those aged 55 – 65 (1% vs. 11% of the population).
The study was designed to ensure that the data has sufficient representation of each industry, specialization, gender, generation, job level, region and work type. The data is then weighted based on available public sources (census, government statistics etc.) to remove any biases when presented at a total level.

The industries chosen reflect a diverse range of blue  (e.g. Construction/Building, Manufacturing/Production, Agriculture/Fisheries) and white (e.g. Government, Accounting, Consulting and Financial Services) collar jobs, to represent the Philippine market, and allow for specific differences to be seen across industries and groupings.

More About The Research


The Result of the Study

The study debunks the generalizations being associated to young Filipino employees. It revealed the diverse needs and motivation of the job market per industry.
The study also revealed the job preference of the different generations. For example, Gen Z gravitate towards Accounting and Marketing, Millennials towards Healthcare and consulting jobs while Gen X prefer jobs in IT, Automotive and General/ Wholesale Trading.
The important result of this study are the 12 key drivers of attraction in the Philippine Job Market.
Key Driver Of Attraction for Philippine Job Market
Just like similar researches, these are not limited to economics. It also include employer brand and reputation, culture, relationships and wellness.  Of the 12, the top 3 drivers, are salary, career growth and work-life balance.
Top 3 Drivers of Attraction in Philippine Market
These are the industries where high salary is a major factor to retain employees.

These industries, on the other hand,  should provide career development plan if it expects to attract good applicants and retain employees.

And finally, applicants and employees of these industries are clamoring for work-life balance, if you’re part of management and would want to attract a handful of good candidates and retain employees, you may want to introduce programs that promote wellness and engagement.


Laws of Attraction Recruiter Tool

To help employers address the above industry specific challenges, Jobstreet launched a knowledge resource called ‘laws of attraction‘. The purpose is to assist top management in developing strategic strategies to attract and retain employees.

Feel free to scan the QR code below to try and navigate this new online tool.


Do you belong to the industries mentioned above? Do you agree with the findings? Speak your mind and share your thoughts in the comment section below.


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