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Employment issues, negative online experience and bullying top ASKSonnie.INFO’s most visited articles for the decade.

I am publishing this to celebrate with you the end of the decade and new year!
I didn’t realize I’ve been writing for more than a decade, as my earliest archived entry would prove. In 14 years, this blog went through several rebranding as I also evolved. My purpose remains the same though, to share stories and lessons in my journey– from intern to executive, and eventually as solopreneur and advocate.
Blogging has been good to me. An opportunity to be an executive came in 2008, because of the old version of this blog. In 2010, I was recognized as the Best Advocate Blogger by PBA. In 2011, as one of the finalists of Globe Tatt Awards. And in 2015, as Best Corporate and Brand Blogger. Likewise, I used to earn US $ thru sponsored posts and received a good share of marketing budget too.
To this day, this website still create income opportunities in both small and big ticket projects, while it help young professionals and students find the information they need.
I had my share of bad luck too. My advocacy blog with two years worth of posts which I planned to convert as book, was corrupted. I lost all files and my web host provider cannot help.
Today as we prepare for the new year, I’d like to share with you, as talent and culture developers, workplace learning facilitators, and enthusiast of cyber wellness and digital citizenship. the most visited articles of the decade (2010-2019). These posts mirror the pressing needs of our community:
1. Employment, which mainly focuses on onboarding experience and #HRinHR.
2. And general concerns on bullying including online harassment and workplace bullying.
These issues may still be true on 2020 and even beyond, unless HR improves on its services and employee experience. 
By addressing these needs, it’ll spur engagement programs. opportunity for altruistic initiatives and income generating projects.

Most Visited Articles

Top 10
What is Bullying?
After RA 10627 was signed, this post was published to define the legal framework of bullying. Honestly, I never expected this quickie article to be part of the most visited in 2019, much more of the decade.
Top 9
Got Scolded by your Boss, What Now?
This employment issue will be experienced by past, present and future employees.  I wrote this to share how I worked with a difficult and hard to pleased boss.
Fun fact: My choice to stay with a difficult boss proved value adding. Because of the experience, it prepared me for the executive position which was offered to me after a few years.
Top 8
6 Months Have Lapsed But Still No Regularization Contract
This post also made it to the 2019 list. An employment issue that I think can be resolved easily. HR just need to shape up and imporve their on-boarding experience.
Top 7
How to Compute Night Shift Differential?
Sometime in 2017 or 2018, I opened guest writing opportunities for fellow human resource practitioners. I don’t have the monopoly of knowledge, thus, by involving others, we pool our knowledge to cater to the diverse employment issues of the community. My approach was right because 2 guest writers made it to the top posts of the decade, and 3 to the top posts of 2019. Thank you for this post Dina Epili and congrats!
Top 6
What are the Applicable Laws Against Cyberbullying in PH?
As cyberbullying incidents increase, more people are looking for answers. I wrote this post to discuss applicable laws both for minors and adults who opted to take the legal route to address their situation.
Top 5
Hello ASEAN: Filipinos have the lowest IQ?
This post is the ‘odd’ one in the pack. It neither addresses employment or bullying issue. But it became controversial when picked up by a thought leader and discussed with his followers. I received a fair share of criticism for this post for sharing the findings of a survey.
Top 4
Leaving your Company? Why Doing it Right Makes Sense
Another employment issue in the Philippines is resignation. Young professionals are eager to get a job and sign any contract without first digesting its contents. As soon as a better opportunity comes their way or they realized they are not fit for the job or the company culture, these peeps wanted to leave ASAP.
Top 3
How To Write A Notice To Explain Memo
This is another guest post but of employment importance (made it to top 3 in both 2019 and of the decade). Both employees receiving the memo, and newbie HR practitioners comprise the visitors of this article. Thanks to Bong Aguilar Jr for this article and congrats!
Top 2
Statistics: Bullying Cases Up by 21% In Philippine Schools
This topic is the focus of research, thus, it was no surprise it landed on top 2. To date, despite the requirement of the law to monitor incidence of bullying, we don’t have a solid data. It’s either the government don’t have a reporting system in place or because of the increasing incidence and the lack of program to address it, the data is not being disclosed to the public.
Top 1
What To Do When Cyber Bullied
By making it to the top, this post serves as reflection of the public’s desperation to combat cyberbullying. The private messages I am receiving plus the comments on this post validated this. Likewise, both Alexa and Google are suggesting to capitalize on this keyword because of the  demand for information.
Thank you for walking with me on this journey. I hope this email will add value as you reflect on the issues at hand, which may be true in your area (one step back), and conceptualize interventions to address it (2 steps forward). 

CHEERS to our success on 2020!


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