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by Sonnie Santos | Do It Yourself, FAQ, Personal Thoughts, Salt and Light, Testimonials |
The fall-out of misconduct is devastating to the affected persons. A restart can only happen when the offending person is truly sorry
by Sonnie Santos | Do It Yourself, Salt and Light |
Observing holy week is about learning the pattern set by Jesus so we too, can have a mentally resilient life
by Sonnie Santos | Do It Yourself, HR ToolBox, Salt and Light |
At this point in my career, I just turned one year as an executive, when I received a call from a headhunter acquaintance, requesting for my updated CV. Her client is a flourishing company and in need of executive for their HR Dept. The offer is rather tempting, so...
by Sonnie Santos | Personal Thoughts, Salt and Light |
If we are focused always on “firefighting” activities, we forget how to look at things from the top view to make the necessary balance, priority and order.
by Sonnie Santos | Do It Yourself, Salt and Light, Work Life Balance |
Different authors suggest different ways of stress management, but for purposes of this blog, let’s look at how Jesus manage stress.
by Sonnie Santos | 2nd Look, Personal Thoughts, Salt and Light |
A woman make man in many ways “complete”, I would like to focus, however, on the influence of a woman to a man’s character and behaviour.
by Sonnie Santos | Career Management, Do It Yourself, Salt and Light |
And on August 29, 2007, HR Philippines, the e-group, made history! We hosted 350 HR practitioners, the largest “eye ball” event an e-group can have.
by Sonnie Santos | Salt and Light |
Lack of integrity can lead to a private life that is inconsistent to the projected public life. This secret life will rob us of our destiny
by Sonnie Santos | Do It Yourself, Mental Health, Salt and Light |
Faith and fear are opposites but the same. The same because both sources their power from you– the confident expectation of your future or your belief of what will happen to you. But they are opposites because faith believes something good can happen in the future, while fear expects the opposite.
by Sonnie Santos | Change Management, Salt and Light |
Because of one or more determinants, a tipping point may be created that will result to a season of growth. This will propel business to expand or a blog to increase its bandwidth due to increased readership. Leaders and blog owners must be able to make concrete...
by Sonnie Santos | HR ToolBox, Policies, Salt and Light |
Am no fan of procedures, specially if it will complicate a rather simple situation. But procedures are meant to keep us safe or prepare us to the next level
by Sonnie Santos | Do It Yourself, Personal Thoughts, Salt and Light |
I enjoy listening to TobyMac, especially the remix of the “Do you know where you are going to?” song. I believe the question is relevant to us all. Purpose in life is one of the issues besetting the youth and young professionals. On certain...
by Sonnie Santos | Career Management, HR ToolBox, Office Bullying, Office Politics, Salt and Light |
Got scolded more than you can count? Don’t react and lose more. Let me share what I did, it’s not pleasant, but it got me promoted!
by Sonnie Santos | Salt and Light, Testimonials |
Typhoons will come and go and bring temporary grief, but I still believe God is good all the time
by Sonnie Santos | Personal Thoughts, Salt and Light |
The Oracle Training that I attended the whole of last week turned my brains up-side down– I think I have to go back to the materials and re-do all the exercises to have a better understanding of the logic… whewww! To restore my sanity, the breaks in...
by Sonnie Santos | Salt and Light, Testimonials |
God is a God that gives fresh start– like the “born again experience”. God places a person’s worth not in his/her past, specially the dark past. Instead, He embraces our future… our potential. God is “expert” in turning ‘mourning into dancing’.
by Sonnie Santos | Learning and Human Development, Salt and Light |
For every learning event, success is dependent on the learner. But for maximum added value let’s look at the learning principles being practiced by Jesus
by Sonnie Santos | Salt and Light |
A personal testimony from Helen Roseveare M.D., Missionary Physician from England to Zaire, Africa This story was written by a doctor who worked in South Africa. One night I had worked hard to help a mother in the labor ward; but in spite of all we could do,...
by Sonnie Santos | Salt and Light, Testimonials |
Covering-up our mistakes is a human trait that can be traced back to Adam. But doing what is right offer a better value to our character
by Sonnie Santos | Do It Yourself, Salt and Light |
Sharing with you a value adding message from Chacko Jacob Wishing to encourage her young son’s progress on the piano, a mother took her boy to a Paderewski concert. After they were seated, the mother spotted a friend in the audience and walked down the aisle to...
by Sonnie Santos | Q and A, Salt and Light |
Life purpose is where we get the “drive” to pursue what we want to be, the “strength” that will keep us focused in the midst of life “storms”.