Bible: Not A Book To Debate With

The authors of each book do not know each other and lived in different times, but they all speak in agreement to one central theme: Old Testament -> looking forward to the coming of Jesus as savior; and the New Testament -> looking back to what Jesus accomplished on the cross.

Tithing and Financial Freedom

A few Sunday’s back, instead of the usual scenario where I follow up my kids to bring their tithes to the Lord, they proudly came to me prepared. I have been instilling to my children the value of tithing and how this should be handled. A tithe is giving back to...

Why I Believe On God (1)

  A personal testimony from Helen Roseveare M.D., Missionary Physician from England to Zaire, Africa This story was written by a doctor who worked in South Africa. One night I had worked hard to help a mother in the labor ward; but in spite of all we could do,...