Keep Your Mental Composure With Talk Therapy Or Prayer
Psychotherapy is used to identify issues that cause mental illness and to understand how these stressors are affecting a patient’s life
Psychotherapy is used to identify issues that cause mental illness and to understand how these stressors are affecting a patient’s life
To celebrate ‘International Women’s Month’ we will discuss how to set up DEI programs in Philippine companies
We are being watched online- websites are logging our clicks, keystrokes and pretty much everything about our online behavior.
When borrowing money is made easy and people are desperate, people turn to online lending apps to make ends meet.
A security notification alerts you when it detects “unusual” activity. But it can also be used by cybercriminals
These are 5 common characteristics of online scammers to increase your cyber wellness quotient and be safe in your digital space.
In 2021, mobile threats were focused on a more profitable venture to steal users’ banking and gaming credentials.
Empathetic leadership bring mutual happiness to both the leader and the team
Online scams increased because COVID-19 lockdowns forced people to go digital. But cyber wellness arms them to fend off attacks
The Omicron variant of the SARS-COV-2 virus is a wildfire, but God remains good and faithful in our battle with COVID-19
Preventing the surge of Omicron is both practical and scientific. Wear a face mask, physical distancing, and hand washing. And as a matter of courtesy, if you have common cold symptoms, stay at home until you are cleared by your physician.
Together, we can protect human rights, stop bullying and co-create a safe space in schools, offices and in virtual spaces.
Online Bullying is the top 3 cybercrime in the Philippines for the most part of 2020
Workplace harassment or office bullying and violence will come to an end when countries around the globe ratify ILOs C190. Wishful thinking?
Corporate adulting is what professionals went thru to get acquainted with the corporate terrain and develop professional maturity
An end-to-end value integration program equips a company to culturally, structurally, and administratively prevent behavioral misconduct
The ancient moneymaking sense practiced by Joseph in the old testament still holds true and applicable today.
Strategic thinking is the process of making sense of the available information to determine a preferred future.
Religious expression in the workplace is common in the Philippines. Some believed it help address behavioral issues, but some believed it can also create new ones. What is your take?
Over 22000 Mobile malware attacks were prevented in the Philippines, Kasperski said in its H1 2021 report.
A vaccine bubble gives the unvaccinated limited movement, from work to home and vice-versa. While the vaccinated enjoys more freedom for economic reasons.
To put context on the DOH issue, it could be a failure of the takeover manager eaten by politics and bureaucratic system