When Values Integration Fail
An end-to-end value integration program equips a company to culturally, structurally, and administratively prevent behavioral misconduct
An end-to-end value integration program equips a company to culturally, structurally, and administratively prevent behavioral misconduct
Is your workplace orderly? When you waste time looking for something, you know it’s there but you just can’t find it. I guess the answer is obvious.
Some students, in their haste to find a company for their internship, forget due diligence when choosing the right company.
According to the JobStreet.com findings, PUP graduates possess the most traits many companies look for in applicants– self driven with no self entitlement attitude.
Forever is possible in a romantic relationship. If both parties will work on it and will not leave it to fate.
Regardless of the reason, working overtime for a long period of time is unproductive.
The importance of engagement appropriate outfit has been underscored because of the growing influence of self expression in our culture.
From cellar dweller to a champion, from laughing stock to a respected brand. A new era for NU (National University) Bulldogs has come.
A person working on his vision is a leader, else he becomes a manager to fulfill a leader’s vision – G. Goel
What defines successful people is grit. The sustained passion and determination for a long period time.
Filipinos have an average inspiration index of 72, 2 percentile higher to LinkedIn average. Makings Filipinos 4th of the most inspired workers of the world.
The fall-out of misconduct is devastating to the affected persons. A restart can only happen when the offending person is truly sorry
a redemptive attitude is better than a judgmental one. On a distant past, a man exemplified what a redemptive attitude is– has the prerogative to pass judgement to a woman caught in adultery. But instead, he won back a soul considered hell bound by an angry mob who ready to execute her.
Observing holy week is about learning the pattern set by Jesus so we too, can have a mentally resilient life
The authors of each book do not know each other and lived in different times, but they all speak in agreement to one central theme: Old Testament -> looking forward to the coming of Jesus as savior; and the New Testament -> looking back to what Jesus accomplished on the cross.
I often hear this in success talks, “it’s not only about you, it’s about the right connection, having access to the right people at the right time”
It’s graduation season once again, and the labor market will be flooded with new talents. In the midst of the growing competition, how do we keep with the competition?
If we are focused always on “firefighting” activities, we forget how to look at things from the top view to make the necessary balance, priority and order.
As year closes in, some people have gone nuts over the “Starbucks” planner, are you one of them?
Lack of integrity can lead to a private life that is inconsistent to the projected public life. This secret life will rob us of our destiny