My Close Encounter w/ a Demon Possessed Woman
Possessed by grief, a widow’s intense mourning and attempts to reconnect with her dead husband invited a demonic entity into her life.
The Choice Of Leadership
The world almost stop as it watch history unfold at uncle Sam’s backyard. By now, it’s evident who the new US President would be. As there are cheers of celebration, others are also sorrowed by defeat. From the voters point of view The most important issue...Shaken To The Core
I am not talking about the global economy, but my self who was shaken because my little princess is likely to have dengue.
Be On Top Of Your Game
This is a quick post just to share what I learned from my quiet time early this morning, that is being on top of our game
The Philippines: 2nd Wealthiest Nation In Asia?
This is a must see for all Filipinos. Specially those, like me, who have no recollection of the Philippines when it was the 2nd wealthiest nation in Asia.
Pilipinas Circa 70
Pilipinas Circa 70 is how I recall the Philippines when I was still a kid. No pollution, no traffic, peaceful and the best era for Pinoy films and OPM.
Get Hired Not Fired For Blogging
Use blog to add value- build rather than destroy, and showcase your credentials. This way you will be hired not fired for blogging.
Simple Ways To Manage My Stress
Do you want to know how I manage stress? These are the random things I do, not in order of importance. When at work, I leave my office and walk around. When at home, I’ll go out and check the car Blog hop. Read my bible and/or pray. Have coffee or eat. Listen...Democracy Corrupts?
Please don’t get me wrong, I enjoy living in a free country. Where I can freely embrace and promote my Christian faith Where I can blog all I want without fear of being jailed or censured Where I can surf websites of my choice Where I can freely choose...The Prejudices Of Life
The circle we grew up with, may have limited our appreciation of other groups, thus, resulting to prejudices against each other.
The Hatred Towards The Poor?
Poverty violates every human rights there is. If you are poor and seriously sick, going to a private hospital is not an option. Try going to a public hospital and if you’re lucky, they will give you the run around. I happen to know how two patients in need of...Fuel Price Hike Again?
I drove to my favorite gasoline station where I normally get my fill of unleaded ethanol fuel, and guess what? Several cars are lined up to fill their tanks too.
The Micro Perspective
Do you love details? Well I don’t but if I want to stay out of trouble, then I have to develop affection with details. A micro perspective is like looking at reports or situations behind magnifying glasses. Metrics are better understood if supported with...Reviewing the Performance Management System
Regularly reviewing the company’s performance management system is needed to align the program vis-a-vis the objectives to keep employee and customer loyal.
Winning By Losing
When we were at Baguio, wifey requested to visit a shop known for it’s hand crafted designer jewelry products. Even though I have no interest on any kind of jewelries, and I don’t take pleasure on shopping, I joined them and gave my thoughts on the items...A Great Customer Service
I would like to share two good experiences with start up businesses who provided above normal customer assistance. The first service provider is Car-Go, a new car wash (and general car care) center at # 8 Macapagal Blvd. (in front of PNB). The price is $2.5 (P 100)...A House In Order
In case you have not noticed, this blog, since Easter, is sporting a new theme courtesy of WP Premium. While I like my old theme, it can not accommodate new opportunities for advertising, and it is not compatible with Internet Explorer. Thus, the change in outfit....Being Attentive To Details
Whenever possible, I would like to have an engaging activity with my son so I can teach him practical lessons in life. Yesterday, because of the long break, we had an opportunity to wash the car together. As expected of a 10 year old boy, he wanted to finish the task...How To Get A Job Offer
It’s graduation season once again, and the labor market will be flooded with new talents. In the midst of the growing competition, how do we keep with the competition?